Monthly Archives: November 2010

Pure Concentrated Evil…In A Fun Way

Forty five seconds into this 52 second video you’ll see the most magnificently smug smirk ever captured on film. Hat tip to Barking Moonbat Early Warning System.  Since there’s so many damn barking moonbats flitting around the last few years … Continue reading

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The Unstoppable: Brigadier Dennis Rendell

The man at the center of this photo is an escaped prisoner of war on the run in Italy in 1943.  The men on the left and right are clueless German soldiers.  Let that sink in for a minute. Brigadier … Continue reading

Posted in The Unstoppable | 11 Comments

What We’ve Got Here Is (NOT) A Failure To Communicate

Following the 2010 elections I’ve been enjoying post-election hand wringing on the left. I’m sure they enjoyed hand wringing on the right in 2008.  The universe is filled with balance. However, there’s nothing mysterious about 2010 any more than 2008 … Continue reading

Posted in Curmudgeonly Gems of Insight, Harangue-a-bang-bang! | 1 Comment

Gone Huntin’

“Ah, sir, you dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter.” That’s the quote that popped into my head this morning while I was out hunting.  Curmudgeons hunt. I had to put it front and center … Continue reading

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The Boss Wants You Out Of Town: Pack Your Bags

Suppose you’re a political figure who came darned close to winning the party nomination for presidential candidate in 2008. Suppose the guy who narrowly won wanted to keep you on a tight leash and in plain sight.  If he doesn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Harangue-a-bang-bang! | Leave a comment

Congratulations Citizens!

Something amazing happened yesterday. Something so sublime, so beautiful, so completely infused with import that it should take your breath away. Do not let that astounding event go unnoticed. A Republican sweep? Not a chance! That will be soon forgotten. … Continue reading

Posted in Libertarian Outpost, We Are Not Alone | Leave a comment

Math Is Hard

I have a background (and interest) in statistics and econometrics.  I know what you’re thinking but it’s not contagious so relax.  No need to stampede for the doors or disinfect your computer.  Imagined visions of sweaty pallid socially awkward losers … Continue reading

Posted in For Your Education | Leave a comment

The Tyranny Of Hanging Chads

I was in my bunker living room last night discussing this year’s craptacular electioneering with some random fool Dr. Mingo when he made an excellent prognostication. The 2010 election cycle will have no fewer than three races which “go into … Continue reading

Posted in Harangue-a-bang-bang! | Leave a comment

A Political Party For “Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss” Blues

I’m going to vote this year with all the joy of a condemned man forced to get a root canal en route to a firing squad…who’s just been kicked in the balls…while being chewed by marmots…in the cold pouring rain.  … Continue reading

Posted in Get Off My Lawn Loser, Harangue-a-bang-bang!, We Are Not Alone | Leave a comment

Ever The Optimist I Encourage Everyone To Vote: As A Resident Of Reality I Expect Nothing Good

Neanderpundit candidly sums up the likelihood of election 2010 bringing good governance and sound council to the quagmire in D.C.  When it comes to this topic, any post that can use the word dogshit twice in one sentence has my … Continue reading

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