“Every single great idea that has marked the 21st century, the 20th century and the 19th century has required government vision and government incentive.”
Joe Biden, October 26, 2010
I want to know just two things. First; how can a grown man, who presumably has at least enough brain function to exceed vegetative or comatose, make such a statement? Second; who let him speak aloud without adult supervision?
I’d comment further on Al Gore’s Internet but I’ll have to stop because it’s dark. Apparently Tomas Edison’s private R & D funds couldn’t have made electric lights. Like reason and forethought they must not exist in Joe Biden’s world.
(Note: I refused to believe anyone would say such a dumbass thing without verification. Sadly, I found references in the New York Times and the Washington Post (in a delightful article by George Will) so it’s not a hoax. Amusingly, Biden predicted that the Democrats would win the House in the November 2nd elections in the same speech…way to swing for the bleachers brainiac.)
(Note: Photo from an unrelated blog article describing another of Biden’s brilliant statements in 2009. Click the link to dissuade you of any notion that Biden’s recent stupidity was a one off event.)