Adaptive Curmudgeon

We Interrupt Discussing This Camping Trip For… A Camping Trip

What a delightful turn of events! I had a great adventure on the WYBDR and have been dutifully writing up the whole thing. It really was a heck of an experience. But now I’ve happily interrupted my own blogging.

I left the situation on Friday’s post with a “cliffhanger”. I was somewhat adequately equipped, had a half assed (likely unworkable) plan, and was a few hour’s drive from my chosen trailhead. Would I persevere or get trampled by elk? Over the weekend I’d write more.

Except I was derailed by reality. I was messing with my new tent (purchased for the WYBDR) with the intention to “air it out” and shake off the desert dust. I hate doing “maintenance” on camping gear but it’s a thing that must be done.

The weather was glorious. Why putter around in the basement with tents? Isn’t the best way to air out equipment from one adventure by taking it on the next? Hadn’t I bought a PC800 (Marshmallow Fluff) specifically with the intention of lazy campground trips? Isn’t life fleeting? Why was I not camping in the sunny autumn air?

Why not indeed?!?

An hour later I was on the road. Some of the same gear that had soldiered through the aggressive WYBDR strapped to a hungry little dirtbike was now strapped to the tame and pavement oriented motorcycle I purchased (used) last year. The sun was shining, the skies clear, why not carpe the hell out of the diem? I took my bad ass tent and hard core sleeping bag to a mellow campground. I camped there like a plain old square. Good for me!

There were some hiccups. I misjudged distance and wound up riding much further than intended. I had in mind an area that has gorgeous trees. I figured the autumn colors would be at or near peak. Not everyone will ride from one climactic zone to another to see a pretty leaf. I will. Luckily, it was on smooth pavement and the PC800 was made to eat miles like a boss. I did get my tent up before sunset but wound up cooking a Mountain House dinner in the dark.

The Honda PC800, with it’s huge storage compartments (I call it “bedonkadonk”) seems to hold roughly the same volume as a smallish/medium camper’s backpack. For a quick overnight that’s plenty. I did have to strap the tent and sleeping bag on the rear pillion. The rest was stashed in internal compartments; air mattress, food, Jetboil, a small folding chair, my shortwave radio, some clothes, a camp pillow, coffee, and the Neo2 on which I’m typing this post. The two things strapped externally worked well with my dusty and well used RokStraps. They rode like they were welded in place.

I took pictures on my cell phone until the battery died. (I recharged it with my Noco GB20 but clearly I need to get serious about “gadget management.) I never turned on my SpotX, though I brought it. Tragically, I forgot to bring liquor. Then my flashlight died… which is ok (I ain’t afraid of the dark and the GB20 functions as a light if needed).

I sat by the fire (in a much smaller chair than a carry on my truck camping trips) and enjoyed the dark (sober for once). It was just as relaxing as always. The campground was basically abandoned; perhaps 3 units occupied out of dozens.

So if you’re wondering why I delayed the write up of doing the WYBDR with a Yamaha TW200 it’s because I was motocamping with a Honda PC800. Good excuse eh?

I’ll post this as soon as I get back “on grid”. Pictures will probably follow. (Note: the next day I had my camera charged up but I was lazy and only took a few photos. I’ve been taking fewer photos and spending more time “in the now”.)

Camping was a good idea. We live in a toxic society. One must be based as hell or they’ll get swept away in the chaos. I implore you to all take care of yourselves. Media is bitching and moaning about politics and it’s doing nobody any good. I think we can safely say that no matter what happens it’ll be stupid and emotionally incontinent. Given that truth, have you availed yourself of the healing power of nature? You should. In a world gone mad, never hesitate to turn off the TV (or cell phone) and go look at the night sky.

I did. It was glorious. Happy camping y’all!

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