Adaptive Curmudgeon

Speak Clearly / Think Clearly: Part 2: The Word The Press Will Not Speak

Unless you live under a rock you know that two electric substations were damaged, leading to a power outage in North Carolina.

I’m not interested theories about who did it or why. Frankly I don’t give a shit; not my circus, not my monkeys. Though I do think it’s funny that the FBI announced they’ll get out of the “causing crime” business long enough to “solve” this one. Given their track record, they’re more likely to freak out and kill 86 innocent Jesus freaks than use their Bat computer to sleuth out this mystery.

(It’ll be interesting to find out if the dipshit that did it is on their payroll, as is often the case. If they come up with a cockamamie story about a lone actor using 24 guns before they memory hole the entire event he or she or it  was one of their wind up toys. If the dipshit wasn’t on their payroll they’ll pin it on the nearest person who didn’t vote Democrat. Then they’ll get back to their real job of disappearing evidence that embarrasses Democrats or hassling some parent at a school board meeting.)

What interest me, is that they (the press) called it “vandalism”. Not once, but all over the place. (I took examples from one article but you’re welcome to read others for yourself. Check and see if you hear the same word repeated over and over.)

“As utility companies began responding to the different substations, evidence was discovered that indicated that intentional vandalism had occurred at multiple sites,”

At least two substations were vandalized “with criminal intent,”

“We are also investigating signs of potential vandalism related to the outages,”

I call bullshit. Pay attention kids because this will be on the final exam. Get out your pencil and write this shit down:

There is a difference between vandalism and sabotage.

Yes indeed, this is a whole new kettle of fish. It’s yet another step on the decline. When you see something new it behooves you to observe. Take time, breathe in the air, accept the passing of one world and the beginning of the next. Mark where you were and what you were doing as this new thing became part of your world. Commit the new knowledge to memory because in the future, as shitty situations level up into full shitstorms, you’ll reflect on this moment of change.

And for God’s sake, don’t deny the obvious. Taking out the grid is not in the same category as some fuckwit painting his name on a boxcar!

Someone instructed (or perhaps it developed as emergent behavior in the school of fish) that the only word to use is “vandalism” (at least until they can pin it on some MAGA Trump patsy and call it terrorism). I’m starting to theorize that the press (and the monkeys running DC) know this is a big deal. They’re pants shitting, flat out, no holds barred, panicked. They don’t even want to speak the world aloud, lest they call Voldemort into existence. Except, the world isn’t social media. What they call it doesn’t matter. They can call it “rainbow happy time” and it’s still fucking sabotage!

I clicked on a few online dictionaries to back me up but they’re getting pretty NewSpeak. Rather than waste brain cells sorting this week’s gaslighting from last years shenanigans amid the current of a rapidly declining populace, I tried a different approach. I looked at one of my dead tree dictionaries.

Go ahead propagandists, censors, and woke morons, try to fix the “misinfomation” on a printed & bound college edition dictionary from 1959!

Lets start with “vandalism” (sorry for the blurry photos, I just took a few snapshots):

Vandalism: malicious or ignorant destruction, especially of that which is beautiful or artistic.

Is a power substation beautiful or artistic? Not unless you get off on industrial wiring. Ya’ freak!

Was it ignorant destruction? I don’t think so. It seems the very exact opposite of ignorant. Nobody else thinks it’s ignorant either:

“It was targeted, it wasn’t random,” he said.

“The person, or persons, who did this knew exactly what they were doing,”

Nope, this absolutely wasn’t an attack on beautiful art by people who were ignorant. (That’s a thing that has happened lately, but not here.)

Lets check out “sabotage”:

Sabotage: “Intentional destruction of machines, materials, or some productive process or organized activity. Examples include labor disputes, and enemy agents in time of war.

Damn! Clearly sabotage is a whole lot more serious. Vandalism is some kid spray painting a dick on a wall. Sabotage is when someone targets serious things to cause serious problems; like power substation, a factory, or a pipeline.

I don’t know why everyone is so afraid of using the true name of things. Words are words. Reality is reality. Regardless, whatever happened… it ‘aint vandalism.

Also, I want to make the point that this is definitely a bad thing. I’m not happy with the decline in civilization. I don’t want to be the medieval loser left to scratch out a living amid the ruins of Roman marble halls. Shitting in a bucket next to an aqueduct that no longer functions sounds horrible. The power grid is probably one of the greatest achievements in human existence. It’s gonna’ suck if it all falls apart after only 100 +/- years.

To avoid ending on a dire note I’ll provide this:

P.S. Before I put the dictionary away, should I check? You know you want it! Fine; here it is:

Vaccine: a causative virus or preparation of dead bacteria induced into the body to produce immunity by causing antibodies.


Was it a virus or dead bacteria? No.

Did it produce immunity? No.

I just sayin…

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