Adaptive Curmudgeon

Please Buy Me A Coffee

PayPal fucked around and found out. Everyone is dropping them and moving elsewhere. This is one time I’m following the herd.

This is a link to Buy Me A Coffee. You can send tips/donate there!

Details: Each “coffee” is a unit of $5. One coffee is $5, ten coffees is $50. If you want to donate a specific number like $123.89 you’ll have to convert to the nearest number of coffees. Why is banking now configured in coffee based denominations? I blame common core math but what do I know. Frankly it makes as much sense as anything else that’s happening and I do love me some coffee.

Good news is you don’t have to do a lot of stuff on your end. It’s like “click, boom, done”. Super easy. Takes 30 seconds or less. The other good news is I don’t keep anyone’s personal data… which is how I’ve always rolled.

It’s a one time thing. I haven’t figured out recurring coffee subscriptions yet. The people that make whimsical banking interfaces think in too many unicorns per terawatt for me to figure out that part of the setup.

Please donate if you wish. People who donate to squirrel based bloggers are more attractive to the opposite sex, get higher MPG, and have better hair. This is scientifically proven in the study I just made up.


P.S. If you still want to donate via PayPal or Patreon go for it. I’m keeping those links live for now. (Links are on the sidebar at the right.)

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