Adaptive Curmudgeon

Ducks Are Awesome

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This clip reminded me of my duck (or rather one particular duck of note) who is long dead. I saw the clip and practically shouted “TO FREEDOM AND STUPIDITY!” You had to know my duck to understand.

That stupid duck is the only livestock for whom I’ve written a eulogy. If you don’t want to read all the bits of the duck’s strange life (which so fascinated yours truly), you can click to news of his demise and how I took it. It ends like this:

Thor continued “He died as he lived… free and stupid!

He paused to refill his flagon. “TO FREEDOM AND STUPIDITY!” He shouted. We all joined in with a hearty shout and a great brain cell killing drink.

I invite you all to share a drink in memory of Bowling Pin Chicken: “TO FREEDOM AND STUPIDITY!”

Trust me on this, any one of us would be proud and lucky to live half as well as that stupid silly duck. Tonight I’m going to do a shot in honor of him!

His whole story is covered in:

The Strange Life Of Bowling Pin Chicken: To Freedom And Stupidity

The story is also on my Notable Sagas page.

I still miss that feathery little bastard!

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