Adaptive Curmudgeon

Everything Which Is Not Compulsory Is Forbidden

Update: I was wrong and I suck. I tired to read directly from the Danish (translated) but it looks like I missed some nuance. Clearer word is that Denmark has stopped encouraging the vax for adults but it didn’t swing all the way into reverse and ban it for most adults.

As I understand it now, an adult in Denmark can get the vax if they want the vax and can refrain if they want to refrain.

Great news! That’s how it should have been for day one.

So… that means my post is just bullshit. I should stick with motorcycle camping! I feel properly chastised and repent for my dumb post.

Also, I’m happy for the people of Denmark. Huzzah!

I could delete the post but I felt like memory holing my stupidity would smack of “coverup”. I drew a line below. I’ll let my rant remain. You may mock me as needed. Let it never be said that when I’m wrong I try to hide it.

Have a good week.

Everything which is not forbidden is compulsory.
Everything which is not compulsory is forbidden.

So, it has come to pass. Denmark, just banned the vax for people under 50 (unless you have certain medical issues). I’m not sure how banned it is. It might be that a sympathetic doc would stretch exceptions to meet the request of a patient? Or it might not.

Most nations went ape over COVID. One mark of civilization is to not panic when faced with a challenge. I think most places failed to react with calm decorum.

Denmark was into electronic vax passports. The COVID pass was required to visit restaurants, sports centers and hairdressers. It remained mandatory until September 2021 when it wasn’t required anymore.

This happened the exact same time America’s government was still bitching at every single American to get the vax. Remember it was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”? This led to curtailing the “right” to work for any employer (with over 100 employees). Why the hell not?

Being such a happy guy, Biden followed up in late December telling me I’d suffer “a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated—for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm”.

It was a downer. Most presidents wish me a “Merry Christmas”. That seems like a better way to go.

Experiments in denying employment to half the populace flamed out in January. (It’s still working its way through the courts.)

In the same period of one year, Denmark made an 180 degree switch. Painting with a broad brush, Denmark shifted from requiring proof of the vax to banning the vax.

Wise governance would neither force a person to take an injection nor ban them from one they wanted. Wise people let others make their own choices.

To swing from harassing people without the vax to banning them from getting it is logically inconsistent. Also it forced people to do a thing from which there’s no going back. Like an ill considered tattoo, there’s no way to “unring the bell“. If a treatment is coerced and then some bureaucracy decides it’s a bad idea what exactly can they offer as recompense? “Whoops… we forced our choices on you but now we’re cool with your original plan, sorry it’s to late to go back.”

No single choice is right for all people. Humans ought not be moved about gameboards at the whim of bored rulers.

Nobody knows what you should do with your life more than you.

I don’t know who in Denmark might want the vax in late 2022. They probably have a good reason for that preference. They have my sympathy. It’s just as wrong to deny them as it was to try force it on me.

Hat tip to Vlad Tepes.

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