Adaptive Curmudgeon

Shining City On A Hill

I remember when presidents gave speeches that didn’t threaten Americans with violence. I remember presidents who didn’t list off which groups are slated for subjugation. I remember presidents that at least tried to be pleasant.

Here’s a clip from Ronald Reagan’s exit. Notice he doesn’t bitch out Democrats? Notice he doesn’t bitch out Congress for thwarting his plans? He doesn’t grouse about people who were a pain in the ass. Dan Rather hounding him for years or Gorbachev being a clueless drunk is just the nature of things and not a reason to go scorched earth. Notice he doesn’t isolate any group of citizens at all. He doesn’t treat any Americans as jerks to be isolated and defeated.

He articulates a vision of aspirational hope and optimism… there’s even a hint of gratitude. Maybe he wasn’t perfect but he’s doing his best as a force of good. He was simply a better man than angry spiteful evil vengeful Biden.

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