Adaptive Curmudgeon

I Have Never Been At War With Eastasia

My next post will not be related to the Ukraine. I will write about camping gear. Half the reason I picked the topic is to prove we can talk about other things.

But first let’s get this shit out of the way right here right now. This is a distraction. Don’t take your eye off the ball. If you’re a regular American citizen, living in say, Baltimore, the thing most likely to ruin your life, liberty, health, family, future, and finances is an ice cream eating douchebag from Delaware… not Russia.

It’s a few months after I was nearly fired over Covid. It’s a year and a half after the ugliest statistically shady election since I was born. It’s a year after gas was $1.80 a gallon. We just got done learning that governors can shut down businesses and restaurants and gyms and malls and churches. Fucking churches! Nobody elected can or should shut down a fucking church! That’s between God and worshippers… not the Electoral College and the Supreme Court.

I just watched America 2019 turn into Germany 1938 and I’m supposed to worry about NATO? No way! Every fucking thing I didn’t want to happen… has happened… and it all happened right fucking here. That shit mattered. It was wrong and the evil is boomeranging back on DC. Biden and his party have chickens coming home to roost and suddenly there’s a convenient distraction. Biden and the DC hive mind haven’t done a damn thing right in a long time. Should I believe and care about their geopolitical opinions? Nope! They’re abusive incompetent losers.

“We’re all in this together?” I’m not! Biden’s an idiot and the people that pull his strings can go fuck themselves. I was “in it together” when an unknown virus was an unknown threat. It took me six weeks to figure out it wasn’t all that bad but by then society had crawled up its micromanaged risk averse ass. By mid summer, getting rid of Orange Man Bad was important enough to risk death but not maintaining nominal civilization. So it was ok to burn down Minneapolis but not teach fractions at a school. The thirst for power had taken root and we all got two years of lies shoved down our throats.

Where’s Fauchi now? That skeevy little shitweasel has some ‘splainin to do! “I am the science.” Dude actually said that. What a twit. No man is science! Science is a process not a jack off in a lab coat yammering away on tv. Anyone who spews arrogant lying crap like that bastard ought to be hanging in a gibbot dangling from Teddy Roosevelt’s left nostril at Mount Rushmore.

But there’s no time… there’s a new emergency, we have to get involved in a land war in Asia. Quick, get in the van! I’ve got candy and stimulus dollars! Nope! I’m not interested.

Foreign entanglements? In support of whom? Biden? He’s the guy who set his dick on fire over Afghanistan just last year! Dude looked a calendar, wanted a talking point, and fucked up everything. How many people died because Biden wanted a 20th anniversary speech? Six months later Biden’s bitching about Russia and how we ought to Corn Pop them. If I fucked up like Biden fucked up, I’d keep my damn mouth shut about what ought to be done with military forces.

All this in part because of a hard on to expand NATO? Nope! That’s as intelligent as a Warsaw Pact expansion into Quebec.

I’m done. I’m out. Every inch of knee jerk support any president of any party ever will get has been expended over Covid. Once they unleashed the Karen Army on me, they made it clear. They made it personal. And I fucking hate them for that! To the folks in power, I serve no purpose but a vote farm, tax dollars, and cannon fodder. Fuuuuuuuck that! They want me to care about their issues, they’re going to have to earn my trust first.

They could try by succeeding at something. Maybe following the constitution. Or ruling like adults. Until then they’re just thugs in ties.

Such is the hive like saturation of propaganda and media “warfare” in our world that everything other topic has been swept away. Why? Because nearly everything was falling apart from the jackbooted thug point of view. I’ve no patience for lies. If someone’s gonna’ grab my ass I want dinner and a movie first. Let’s quote people from Bidens party that polled a lot better than Potato in Chief: “The 1980s are calling, they want their foreign policy back.” AND “It’s the economy stupid.”

At this juncture all I’ll say is this; the only thing about which we can be certain in terms of the Ukraine is that the press is lying. Literally everything I’ve heard from any major media source has ranged between sketchy and outright bullshit. There’s a whole lot of opinion and virtually no verifiable numbers. Lotsa’ people dead? That’s a shame… I want to see stacks of bodies… just like I didn’t see over Covid. Russia is in a quagmire? Let’s talk about definitions, how does one “quagmire” in 12 days? I’ve eaten bread older than this war.

Pronouncements have been saying stuff that simply doesn’t make sense. Sometimes they spew mutually exclusive nuggets of concentrated asshattery. Other times they repeat shit that anyone with two brain cells recognizes as Twitter trolling. Is that a blown up Russian tank or a burned out John Deere? Are those people fleeing Ukraine or is that a photo of a Chicago airport. Am I supposed to cheer the “bravery” of giving citizens weapons precisely and not a minute before the government itself is terrified? Why do half the people I see cradling rifles and bragging about resolve look like they know less about rifles than Bubba at the deer drive? The team of plucky underdogs that’s kicking Russian ass is using Molotov cocktails? I salute ingenuity while thinking that throwing wine bottles of gasoline isn’t a sign you’ve got the situation well in hand.

Whatever anyone says, I’m not buying it. Ukraine isn’t a wonderful happy land of freedom and joy. Russia isn’t nice either. If the two get in a snit and pound the shit out of each other it’s none of my business. The violence that concerns me is the crime rate in Chicago. Why? Because I don’t live in Eastern Europe… and most of my readers don’t either.

The press is like a child listening to a fairy tale. First they listen and then they add to the story. They make breathless pronouncements where two minutes thought and a little math or reason will tell you “nah, that didn’t happen”. Sometimes it becomes clear that the nugget in question was definitely bullshit, sometimes it’s dropped and never mentioned again. Never is data presented as actual data, with solid verifiable facts; maybe clear obvious photos and some maps and shit.

I’m disappointed with society. They’re in an abusive relationship with DC. They bent over to happily receive an obvious propaganda suppository… so soon after Covid! Have they learned nothing? That’s the sad part, after a planet wide power grab and sweeping insanity everywhere and in my nation too… most people have learned nothing. Two years of spastic Covid crap starts to fade and all a president needs to do is shout “we have always been at war with Eastasia”. Suddenly everyone is on board. Except me, I am not on board.

This is a distraction. I know who’s dangerous to me and it ‘aint someone in Eastern Europe. I don’t care if Putin is flailing about Eastern Europe riding into battle on a radioactive unicorn and smacking orphan puppies with a six foot flaming dildo. Not my circus, not my monkeys.

My nation matters to me. It comes first. It teeters on authoritarian collapse and marching off to east bumblefuck to assist party A in their defense against or attack on party B won’t do jack shit to restore rule of law in America. My formerly free and stable society matters to me and I’m not going to forget it because CNN has learned a new way to pronounce Kiev.

Neither Ukraine nor Russia nor Trump tried to take away my income. None of them tried to force an injection into my bloodstream. Biden did those things. Biden made $4 gas. Biden made inflation. Biden keeps political prisoners rotting in jail. Putin didn’t imprison Americans over politics. Putin hasn’t damaged my economic wellbeing. He hasn’t threatened my health or surrounded my capital with concertina wire. Biden is the danger. Biden, chief chowderhead of the Washington swamp, is more dangerous to me that Putin riding on velociraptor.

If you’re watching the news and have become deeply invested… say to yourself “two weeks to flatten the curve” and come up for air. Pull your head out of wherever you put it and pay attention to the dangerous mess on your own doorstep. The scheming monsters that created it are not thousands of miles away in a nation we remember from Risk games. The issue is not there, it is here.

After that, in a bid to stay sane, care for yourself. Back away from the propaganda sources! They do not want you to be happy, rational, and well adjusted. Letting them into your heart does you no good.

As for me, I’m going camping.

Good luck.

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