Adaptive Curmudgeon

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

As far as I can tell there are several vax mandates. They’re all aimed at different populations based on President Potato’s ability to hassle that group. One to affect private employers with more than 100 employees… through the misuse of OSHA. One to affect military personnel… through the misuse of Commander in Chief powers. One to affect Federal Employees… because the President is the Chief Executive and most Feds work for the executive branch. It is that one that (I think) is somehow extended to contractors… which can probably be bent folded and spindled to apply to lots and lots of people you’d never think of as contractors. I’m not sure how it’s explained but airlines get Federal money and are Federally regulated and use Federally subsidized airports, but they are not contractors so… um I dunno maybe Biden has a magic wand? Another line of attack (I think) applies to medical people through some Federal medical system.

The point is there’s no official “because I said so that’s why” clause in the Constitution, so President Potato (or his handlers) using an array of methods.

The one that applies (somehow) to all medical people, just got a kick in the balls. Here’s the quick explanation from Raconteur Report:

Dogpiling onto yesterday’s federal court ruling blocking any vaccine mandates for healthcare workers in 10 states, today another federal judge expanded that injunction against the vaxx mandates to all 50 states.

So, 10 states said “fuck this let’s go to court”. The court said “those 10 states have a damn good argument that’s likely to yield a win for them… so the action is blocked until this thing is sorted out”. Then, and this is a new one to me, the court said “fuck it, you can’t pull this shit on the 10 that came to me for a ruling but you can’t do it on the other 40 states either. Let’s put all the chips on the table.”

Wow! I didn’t see that coming! But that’s what Federalism is supposed to do. In this case, the rights of people in 40 states are “protected” by the 10 that have balls. Or at least it does until some dipshit “activist” judge somewhere tries to say “it’s just a tax” and therefore a “penumbra which emanates” (from Brandon’s ass?) makes it OK.

That strange and unusual sensation you’re experiencing; it’s called winning. For the moment and for medical employees, it’s a win. We who care about freedom are not used to it. It’s nice. Raconteur Report sums it up:

In short, the federal judiciary is functioning as intended, and has told the Biden regime to go fuck itself.

And it only gets worse for Poopypants from here.

Also, every argument cited applies to federal workers, and all private employees. Vaxx mandates are effectively dead UFN.

Ahh… yes. It feels good to see folks remembering the difference between a President (you know, the Geriatric Zombie who got a record number of votes in a series of “DON’T FUCKING QUESTION THEM” statistically improbable events) and a King.

We don’t have a king. Thank God.

Also, this does not stop anyone who wants to from getting whatever vaccine they desire.

May we live in interesting times indeed.


P.S. Hat tip to The Last Refuge.

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