Adaptive Curmudgeon

American Thinker Hits One Out Of The Park

American Thinker is on a roll and also they’ve got something to say that’s pretty darned optimistic. Click over there to read The Frogs Have Begun Fleeing the Government’s Boiling Pot. I cut out just a few excerpts, you should read the whole thing:

The federal government spies on every email, text, and call you make.

Now, whom does the government fear most under these conditions?  Hint: It is not the millions of illegal aliens who pour through our uncontrolled borders

Rather, it is the person who has no problem walking away from the government’s panopticon to go hunting in the woods, who decides to pay in cash, or who has woken up to the reality that the federal government is in the business of control.  It is the solitary American capable of questioning the government’s official State narrative and willing to think for himself who scares the bejesus out of the powers that be.


I have to repeat it because it’s such a simple beautiful concept. The thing an oppressive Government fears most is the person who has no problem walking away from the government’s panopticon to go hunting in the woods. 

There is nothing to be found in the woods, save yourself; which is everything.

It’s not just a matter of leaving the panopticon… it’s a matter of leaving the thick morass of propaganda and letting your mind actually think. Take three days fishing off grid and you’ll return to the endless soup of propaganda with new eyes. You’ll do the unthinkable… you’ll ask questions. “If the vaccine is awesome, why do they care if I take it?” “If COVID is the worst thing since ever, why aren’t the streets filled with dead bodies.” “The Amish didn’t get the shot and the Israelis did, who’s doing better?” “What’s the real reason there’s 100+ cargo ships sitting off the coast of California? And how wise was it to make ourselves dependent on that long supply chain?” “How did we go from exporting oil in 2019 to begging OPEC for oil in 2021?” Left, right, or center; if you’re in the usual 24/7 marinade of propaganda it’s affecting you.

There’s more! The article has a wonderful discussion of how brittle and hollow a top down, created by force, society becomes. If you ever wonder why America in the 24th month of 2 weeks to flatten the curve seems barely capable of stocking the grocery store shelves… this is it. Coercion may get grudging minimal compliance but it never gets more. The Soviets learned that too. The USSR didn’t collapse because America went to war… it collapsed because the “Glorious People’s Widget Factory” couldn’t maintain society.

When coercion and surveillance are required to artificially keep society intact through a top-to-bottom tyrannical squeeze, the whole system is at risk of collapse from a single dissenting voice that chooses to throw sand into the rusting, brittle cogs.

This is why President Potato can shrug off a zillion new illegal residents charging across the border, ignores a doubling in the price of gas, and doesn’t give two shits if Seattle riots for the umpteenth time, yet he loses his shit over moms at a school board meeting or unarmed, truly peaceful, January 6th, protesters who walked in an open door and tracked mud on the carpet.

Like the author, I think the tide is turning. The “get an injection or we will punish you” approach was their Waterloo. When many thousand citizens simply said “no”… the whole thing ground to a halt.

Of course, the thing is not done. President Depends will never stop. His puppet masters will never stop. But they can’t move forward either. Australian cops are herding people into concentration camps. The American government would love to do it too… but can’t.

That puts us all, but especially the authoritarians, in the vapor locked twilight zone between an order that cannot be enforced on a free people and an small but significant number of people who are still free. Once Americans stopped oppressing themselves, all their devious plans stopped working. Jamming a third or fourth booster into a Prius driving masked up Karen won’t matter if Bob the mechanic is vaccine free and still in business. When some large and visible portion of society is still free the contrast becomes obvious.

Watching the government lay down fresh mandates and executive orders demanding that citizens submit to its will or suffer the consequences should be seen not as a sign of unstoppable power, but rather as evidence that its grip on power is spinning out of control.  For the time being, even its most important objectives — training Americans to accept forced injections and digital passports — have been put on hold because too much of the workforce has said, “No.”  What’s the lesson here?  That pushing back on the immoral and unconstitutional dictates of a government exercising illegitimate power works!  And, even more importantly, that the government is more afraid of the people than the people should ever be of their government!

What a breath of fresh air.


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