Adaptive Curmudgeon

Well, It Certainly Hasn’t Been Boring

In October I wrote:

“Today I told my supervisor I have not gotten the vaccine and that I will not get the vaccine.”

In November I wrote:

“Like many (most?) employees, I was ordered to take the vaccine. I resisted. I’m not naïve. I know nobody cares about an employee. I’m probably toast.”

It’s December:

I still have my job and am very happy about that! I’m also as surprised as anyone. How long will this last? Maybe for a day. Maybe indefinitely. It feels like nobody, literally nobody, actually knows. I endeavor to get used to the uncertainty. Maybe our increasingly fallen world cannot support the stability of “the before times”.

I blog about it because other people are in the same tight spot. They might gain hope knowing they’re not alone. For the smallish but not insignificant portion of society that just stood up and said “nope… I won’t do it”; thanks for joining me! It sure is a tense time!

I doubt President Brandon intended this mess but he should’ve known better than to create it. He crossed a line when he decided to go from providing citizens with voluntary options to forcing subjects into mandatory injections. He doesn’t seem to know how to put the toothpaste back in the tube and now the workplace is vapor locked.

Meanwhile, there’s a positive feel to it. Americans are slowly remembering they’re Americans. Nobody lightly shrugs off being targeted and when President Potato literally and specifically isolated 80,000,000 Americans with whom he’d “lost patience” he wrote a very big check for his ass to cash. I still don’t know where it’s going but it sure as hell didn’t grind me into dust… yet.

I’d have preferred to keep my struggles to myself. However, I came to believe God had other plans. If my blog could offer hope (no matter how minor), who was I to withhold it? Also, I’m not the one that broke with tradition. I’m under no obligation to respect that which does not respect me.

Anyway, I about had a stroke from all the stress… as did so many others. Yet I’m still standing. I’m in the strange twilight zone of not knowing what will happen next. Things seem like they may mellow out and get rational; which would be nice. It’s the 24th month of 2020 so I’ve grown to expect chaos and irrationality but there’s always hope.

Here’s a video of Wesley from the Princess Bride discussing his time in the same situation. Dread Pirate Roberts, who takes no prisoners, interacted with his new valet Wesley in a way that would make a modern HR department proud.

On a more serious note, sometimes facing a challenge leads to growth. This whole thing forced me to do things I hadn’t done. After a lifetime of never saying a damn thing in the workplace (because it was verboten) I stated my faith clearly, in writing, to my boss and HR. I’d have never done that had they played by the rules they themselves established. Only when they they forced the issue did they get a response they didn’t want.

I wonder if God wanted my isolationist self to nut up and speak my beliefs? Having publicly “outed” myself and taking action knowing my career would probably burn to the ground… it wasn’t all bad. I feel renewed. God apparently felt I needed a reminder why I’m here. Anyway, I’m happy I behaved honorably instead of choosing submission.

Was this a necessary step not just for me but society? I spent the last two years watching society behave like a scared little bitch. Only since crowds started shouting “Let’s Go Brandon” and vax mandates are grinding to a halt does the tide feels like it’s turning.

These last few years have been terrifying. Not Covid. That hasn’t scared me since the first data was solid. By April of last year it was obvious most of us have a 99.xx% chance of survival. If I get it, which I haven’t, I’ll piss and moan for a while, and then have immunity. Meanwhile, I take a bigger risk than Covid every time I drive my truck. We all have things that might take us out, but if you’re a normal healthy person Covid risk is pretty fuckin lame. The thing that’s scary has been watching fellow human beings turn into a bleating stampeding herd of dipshits.

I have personally seen that people who deeply believe in their heart they’re honorable… aren’t. They think they’d have never put a Jew on a train in 1938 or own a slave in 1800 or burn a witch in 1692; they proved they’d do exactly those things. Social pressure, fear, and groupthink are all it takes to make a monster of a weak person. Watching Americans stampede to comply with anything Commander Fauchi said was terrifying. Free travel is gone. Free speech is gone. The economy is in shambles. For what? Because of a 0.10% chance of death. I fuckin’ take risks like that every time I eat a McRib!

Surprisingly, Americans are not the most damaged. Unarmed Australians (including aboriginal elders) are being carted to concentration camps. EU bureaucrats ponder how to lock heretics out of food supplies and banks. I walk around free and eat McRibs like a boss… my biggest risk has been losing a job. It freaks me out but people lose jobs all the time.

The mandate has damaged many but (so far) it also marks the highest tide of compliance. It was meant to break everyone. It didn’t. How soon until those that were fired start lawyering up and come back for round two?

By the way, I’ve no beef with people who got an injection because that’s what they wanted. I’m glad they had the option. I wish them well. I hope they never get Covid, they have long happy lives, and so forth. When it’s a choice, it’s their call, not mine.

However, anyone who wanted an injection had one by mid summer. Nobody was stopping them. After that point, most who got an injection got it because they were pressured. What’s worse, a significant portion of society first submitted to pressure and then began to hate those who didn’t submit to pressure. They would like “the hesitant” to die. If you sincerely hope for the death of the unvaxxed… you’re evil.

I always knew a big portion of any human society would gladly round up “outliers” and put them up against the wall. The real question is “did I have the balls to remain sane when the world loses its shit?” I think so. If you haven’t submitted after the last 24 months of social pressure, you’re a fuckin rock! Whatever evil happens… you won’t be causing it.

On the other hand, the witch burners are starting to recognize who they really are. The future will be a bit harder for them. This has happened in many eras to many people. Weak people have learned a tough thing to know about themselves… only after they’ve done the unthinkable. Forgetting Covid for now, the last Salem witch trial was held in 1693 and the last Nazi concentration camp was liberated in 1945. How many years after 1693 and 1945 did cooperative people who did exactly what the government wanted and claimed it was for the good of society wrestle with what they’d done? Now, in a much less bloody world (so far) how many mushy middle management HR paper pushers are right now wondering about the anti-vax loon they fired a month ago. How long will they try to hold the idea that canning a long haul trucker a month before Christmas was… good? Remember, the people that sent Anne Frank to Auschwitz were obeying the law. The HR harpy at Woke Inc. who drives another “supply chain disruption” is obeying CNN’s exhortations. How does that guilt feel years and decades later? What does it do?

Ah hell, it’s a lot of “not my circus, not my monkeys” anyway. I did my thing and they did theirs. Their soul ‘aint mine to worry about. Soon it will be Christmas, a glorious season in which I hope they find peace and tranquility. There is always room for forgiveness. At least from me.

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