Adaptive Curmudgeon

Now A Word From Our Sponsor

Just kidding, I don’t have one. I’m workin’ without a net y’all!

I hope you’re enjoying my motorcycle stories. There’s three more posts left and then I’m done for a bit. That’s a dozen posts. A little over 12,000 words. That’s 29 pages in pieces; going live every 12 hours for a week. (The whole thing is also crosslinked on my “Walkabouts” page.)

Maybe it sucked, maybe I made you smile. At least I gave it a shot.

If you’re enjoying it, please consider hitting my tip jar or sponsoring me on Patreon. No pressure though. If you’re broke. I get it. We’ve all been there. Only send money if you can. I figure writing is something I can do to add a bit of release to our royally uptight modern world. I’d do it for free if I had to.

On the other hand, if you’ve got the scratch and the inclination to send a tip… thank you very much. You’re awesome!

Ok then, commercial’s over. It wasn’t so bad was it? Good! Your regularly scheduled dose of rambling story will hit the ‘net tomorrow morning.

Happy reading.



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