Adaptive Curmudgeon

Experiments In Gadgetry

Nothing will ever replace my beloved chainsaw.

I had to say that right away because I’ve always been a chainsaw kinda’ guy. Battery operated things are not chainsaws in my book. I’m flirting with the dark side just touching one of these unholy appliances! Buying one doesn’t mean I’ve gone full suburbanite.

The energy density of 50:1 two cycle mix in a well tuned Stihl can rock the world. A 20V battery makes me feel I traded my Dodge for a Prius with a flat tire!

However, a tool should match its job. Fail to do that and you’re choosing romanticism over efficiency. My real saw is a boat anchor for small time tasks. Sometimes a shovel is handier than a bulldozer. Also, it’s showing in my summertime work. I’m falling behind on clearing brush at my favorite hunting patch and I’m avoiding pruning limbs around the yard. I don’t like firing up the beast for a small job; so I’ve been avoiding small jobs.

Am I not an Adaptive Curmudgeon? Have I become too Curmudgeony? Maybe modern batteries have improved energy density? Would it be sufficient for what I need?

Time to find out. I bought all the shit you see below for $417 out the door. I think that’s a pretty decent price? Who knows? I grumbled at dropping real money on what I perceive as toys but maybe the experiment will work. I’d like to get some small stuff done that I’ve been avoiding. Also, sigh… forgive me… I’m not 19 anymore. Maybe the lighter load of a pipsqueak tool will save wear and tear on the Curmudgeon operating it?
It sure looks puny in my tractor bucket. No support stuff? No gas can? No toolbox? It feels like dark magic. I don’t like electronics derailing manly labors! If I have to type in a username and password, I’ll set the damn thing on fire!

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