Adaptive Curmudgeon

Critter Encounter: Skunks Yet Again!?!

So I’d blasted a “teenaged” skunk to smithereens. 24 hours later I blasted 2 kits at the same location. Presumably they weren’t weaned, and I’d spared them a lingering death… but I felt like shit about it.

The next evening, same time and only about 30 yards away from the first three. I saw another skunk in the lawn. This one a kit too but it seemed a bit larger and older than the two tiny ones of the day before. WTF? Is there a skunk condo somewhere in the adjacent forest?

Bang. Situation handled.

I shrugged and started unloading some feed from my truck and yet another one popped up. Goddamnit!

This one, also a kit but also older the tiny ones from 24 hours ago, was rooting around in the gore where “mom” and “the twins” had met their maker the day before. I set down the feed, shucked in another shell, BAM.

Five skunks taken out with four shots in three days. I don’t have anything against skunks if they stay the hell out of my buildings and stuff. I’ve got a whole forest and swamp where they can hang out and have a skunky life of peace. But noooo…. they have to get into trouble!

Little fuckers would move into my house and raid the fridge if I let ’em.

Disgusted, I drove my truck out of the skunk-stink area and fumed all night.

Am I done with them? Sorta. One follow up remains

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