Adaptive Curmudgeon

Shit Meets Fan

If you’ve been paying attention to politics you know two things:

  1. The election was rigged.
  2. We’re fucked.

Even in this dark moment, I’m not consumed with despair. #2 isn’t a done deal. Am I nuts? Why the hell haven’t I just plain given up like I’m told to? It’s not easy to explain. I’m seeing something… different. Sometimes we must painfully scrape off the evil barnacled onto an otherwise functioning system.

Scott Adams may be a bit smug at times but he tends to have his finger on the pulse of the world. One of his clever ideas is that two people can see the same event but retain from it vastly different memories and lessons. He says “they see two different movies”. It’s not a bad way to discuss last Friday and this Monday.

What happened (factually) since my Friday post?

  1. The SCOTUS refused to address the Texas suit.
  2. The electoral college was selected by the several States. (More on this below.)

What’s the movie that the press described?

  1. The SCOTUS has spoken. It’s all over. Suck it Deplorables! With half of the states siding with the defense and the other half with the plaintiffs, the SCOTUS bravely dove for cover. “We’re not touching it with a 10′ pole!” Wimps! They only have a spine if it’s leaning left. Can they detect unwritten “penumbras” which “emanate” from the Constitution? Sure, if it’s used to swing left! Last week’s legitimate question of several states not following constitutional law might have gone right! So they used standing to tell Texas to “get bent”. They also used laches to deep six the PA suit. (Except the PA suit is still alive!) The situation is clear: “Don’t come knocking until you need Roberts to prop up Obamacare again.”
  2. The electoral college was selected in the States, it’s all over. Suck it Deplorables! “All discussion of electoral fraud is right wing bullshit. To prove how truthful this is, the media is going to censor the hell out of badthink on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The media in general is now Pravda. We have always been at war with Eastasia.”

That’s the movie most folks are seeing. I should be seeing it too. Unfortunately, I think too much. I just suck at seeing only what I’m told to see.

What movie is the Curmudgeon seeing? It’s a dozy. I could be totally wrong. At this point it doesn’t matter if I sound like a kook anyway. Right? Here’s my movie:

Act 1: The Legal Battle Is Not Even Close To Over:

Texas offered an “all in” argument but the SCOTUS took a powder. Fuck them. Texas wasn’t the only game in town. Ironically, it was the argument least likely to publicize the cheat. Meanwhile, each “contested State” has one or more independent legal actions. They’re still ongoing.

I like this movie. I’m not a “sprint to the finish” kind of guy. I like to win with grinding certainty. Slow and steady, hard to refute, documenting every step of the way. Legal action in every State is doing what I want; carefully establishing facts.

It’s just starting. Until the last few days, every judge in every jurisdiction was doing everything they could to look at anything but evidence. Laches. Standing. The dog ate my homework. They might have allowed small cheats to slide but this is too big. Now actual legal evidence is getting written (however reluctantly) into the books. It’s happening in several avenues. Every day, new bits of information are getting written into proceedings from which it can’t be expunged.

At this point I’m more concerned with fair elections than one president versus the other. If they can cheat a landslide, nothing else matters. I want the truth known. That means we have to figure it out and make damn sure it’s written in a place it can’t be deleted or ignored. Legal proceedings are one venue among many. I want all this information permanently known.

You can’t stop the signal. Here are some signals of interest:

That’s just one part of the legal situation:

Did you hear about any of that on CNN? Nope. Does it mean it didn’t happen? Nope.

That’s why I’m happy. The press made itself irrelevant. This is revenge of the nerds. Dudes who know math and are scrupulous about truth are doing what they do best. It doesn’t seem like they’re having a hard time finding evidence. Even when evidence is deleted (see the Michigan report) they know exactly when it the legal audit trail was destroyed.

Smart folks are tearing Biden’s “unquestionable clean win” into itty bitty pieces. It’s fun to watch!

Act 2: The Political Battle Is Not Even Close To Over:

What happened Monday? Did every State pick electors; giving Biden an unquestionable win? Is “shut the fuck up deplorables” the final answer?

Well it certainly could happen… but it didn’t yet. As far as I can tell, there are now dual sets of electors for PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ, NV, and NM. (Full disclosure, I haven’t verified this list. It may be more or fewer. It’s hard to suss out the truth using 2020’s internet.)

I’m having fun with bulleted lists so let’s go with that. There may be dual sets of electors for:

  1. Pennsylvania
  2. Georgia
  3. Michigan
  4. Wisconsin
  5. Arizona
  6. Nevada
  7. New Mexico

Seven states (I think) have dual sets of electors. This does several things:

Lean back and take a deep breath. Did you know 7 states (I think) had dual slates of electors? Did you know three forensic analyses in three states (at least) are now in progress. (One you can read for yourself.) There is now vastly more evidence of election fraud in 2020 than the made up bullshit they called Russian Collusion. Remember this, we have records: numbers, dates, places, lists of voter rolls, whistleblower testimony, statistical analysis, electronic packet traffic, and so fort. All sorts of fabulous information that is not going away.

I’d prefer a clean, fair, transparent election. I didn’t get one. This crap is messy, ugly, and gross… but it really happened. We didn’t cause the cheat. It’s not our fault. They made it our problem. Each successive day is a little closer to rooting it all out. We’re going to solve the living shit out of this!

It’s a great movie! Twists and turns at every scene. You paid for the ticket and attendance is mandatory; you might as well enjoy the show.


P.S. Y’all are the greatest! Friday’s post went live just an hour before the SCOTUS took a dump on my optimism. Damn! I thought “enough writing for now… I’m going to focus on stacking firewood”. Then, like he could read my mind, a reader sent a Christmas donation via Paypal. The universe provides! Whenever I see resignation on the horizon, there’s a new beam of light. It was superb timing. Absolutely ideal! I’ll let the donor remain anonymous but if you’re reading this you completely made my day. Thanks!

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