Adaptive Curmudgeon

ABBA Is Everywhere

Y’all know Attack of the Lesbian Activist Squirrels has a theory that ABBA was among the first (or best) to master the use of music to imbed pre-planted bullshit in the population. How else to explain how Swedish Disco, which should be forgettable fluff, became a planet wide phenomenon? How else to explain when you find yourself tapping your feet when a 40 year old song comes in the radio. It’s all in good fun but there’s heart too. Witness the current generation, where a 50 year old bald clown turns the whole thing into dramatic sorrow. Don’t blame me, I just report what I see.


Someone mentioned that it’s a shame that this guy (whoever he is) has to dress like a damn clown to get airtime. He’s obviously a darned good singer. I’d say that performers dressing like an absolute dumbass is a long standing tradition. I agree the clown thing is pretty fuckin weird, but that’s only because it’s “new”. Here’s a few flaky dressers from other generations:

All of which makes The Association (1966) seem so much more radical:

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