Usually, I have a plan. My plans don’t always work out, but I endeavor to think things through in advance.
I make plans for my blog. Why wouldn’t I? It’s my blog. I made it myself. I wrote every fucking word. I built it. It’s mine.
Fuuuuuuuucccckkkkkk yyyyooooooouuuuu!
I write whatever the hell I want. No editor. No deadlines. No bullshit. It takes work and I pay my own way but TANSTAAFL. The payoff is that I can decide the world is too serious and pivot to talking squirrels or motorcycle tales. You’re welcome. (If you didn’t like that move… sorry, but it’s the call I made.)
That ability to make decisions is a piece of freedom. Nobody tells me what to write and nobody makes you read it. (If you like what you read, you can be a hero and hit the tip jar. Many have and I appreciate you all. If you don’t want to tip, don’t. Just enjoy the free ice cream. How’s that for no pressure?)
Anything built; especially if it’s done in a spirit of freedom and humor, draws asshats like a moth to flame. Fun attracts the humorless. Freedom attracts the woke-scolds. They scan the world with an inner Eye of Sauron ever reducing discourse to their level of insecurity. Unaccomplished losers are driven to censor the world; it’s their burden… a lust to tear down that which others have constructed. Thus they attempt (and fail) to fill the hole in their own heart. So far I’m too irrelevant to matter. Maybe I can keep it that way or maybe someday my number will be up. There’s no end to the joyless woke Karen-bots; how long before they run out of more attractive targets?
That’s the problem with the Karen army. It can’t be reasoned with, it can’t be bargained with. It doesn’t feel pity or remorse or fear and it absolutely will not stop.
Don’t fret over it. These things are true and have always been true. The human urge to oppress fellow humans is only barely held back by what we call “civilization”. Civilization ebbs and flows. Of late, it appears to be ebbing. That’s not a lament, it’s merely an observation.
Which causes me to ruminate on future paths for It exists because I chose (wisely!) to leave the “free” wordpress cage. It works. It might continue to work for a long time. Or not. I wonder if someday the whole damn internet will converge and my little blog will be the least of our losses in a scorched earth drive to finally homogenize the masses. My first plan under such grim odds was to say “adios”, go dark, and go fishing. Lately I’ve wondered if the Samizdata approach could take root in America? I start to think it might. Perhaps some Americanized version of the thing?
I mentioned that mostly idle thought in my last post. Remember, I’m in no hurry. My ISP has been excellent. I’m too small to matter. Nobody takes me seriously, etc… So there’s no rush, only a slow summertime brainstorming session in my pointy head.
But I’m not alone. Bison Prepper is blazing a trail! They’re going off-net. Real world! IRL! CDs in the mail.
How ballsy is that?!? I salute Bison Preppers for making a bold play!
Here’s the details. (Keep in mind I know nothing you can’t read for yourself.) He will mail a monthly CD with 80+/- pages of content for $1.07. Good grief, that’s a lot of work and a very low price. I hope he doesn’t lose his shirt!
Only time will tell how it pans out. Only one thing is sure, he chose an antifragile approach. He can write anything he wants. Anyone with an optical drive can see it. Google, Blogspot, WordPress, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, F***book, Twitter, YouTube, that bitch in your HOA, and the cretins at your HR department can’t do a goddamned thing about it. Nice!
Dude’s got great big clanging balls. I wish him well. I can’t wait to see how it pans out. If you want to dip your toe into the future (?) of low tech, you might want to order up a few month’s worth of goodness through the mail. The address is here. See if you like it. See if he can manage it. Find out now, while there’s plenty of time and it’s just an interesting test case.
As for myself, I’m running on a slower time scale. Burning optical media sounds like a stone cold PITA and I’m not ready to go there… yet. However, I’m watching his experiment with great interest.
It all seems rather timely. Independence Day looms and here’s a guy taking a stand for freedom. It’s not all fireworks and hot dogs, ya’ know. Sometimes freedom is when a buck sends a CD to your mailbox with all sorts of interesting shit you might otherwise never hear.