Adaptive Curmudgeon


After yesterday’s rant I wanted a happy post with cute critters. Just to show I’m not all negative and “light a fucking candle” exhortations. I really do the deed.

Alas, it didn’t quite come together. I tried to create a photo and post with an iPad and my word is that thing an abhorrent, privacy invading, snitch machine! I’m not sure if I just posted my DNA and last year’s tax return but it was a struggle trying to avoid it. The fucking iApple just plain won’t let me run my own world. I hate it when things I own do the bidding of a remote master!

I guess I’ll go back to the old ways; retake photos with my GoPro and transfer them to a real computer using a cable. Sometimes I wonder if younger generations have no sense of privacy because Apple, Facebook, Google, and others beat it out of them with extreme measures. The iPad’s camera is amazing but it’s uncontrollability is such a PITA.

Damn kids! Get off my lawn!

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