Adaptive Curmudgeon

Avoid Crowds

I’ve been busy and off-line but I hear there’s a gathering in Richmond. I won’t be there. I think they’re taking an unwise risk but wish them well. All Americans have the right to assembly; yet press and PC have de-facto crushed that fundamental right. Perhaps folks with greater herd tolerance than me will wrest it back. I hope it works out.

As for me, I think it ill advised. Foolish to let press and government pen you in. Who knows what unfavorable circumstances have been cooked up? Also, fake news of the CNN type is out there right now; trolling thousands looking for the scariest meatheads. I presume false flags, agitators, and old scratch himself are all on site hoping to spark misery. I hope they fail.

As a Curmudgeon I don’t do crowds, but I wish the best for those that do. Good luck for a peaceful day.

Update: So far all I’ve seen in the press is a few images of some derped out taticool nerds. Nothing else. If that’s the best the press can do to paint the event as a disaster, it was probably a peaceful, orderly day. I was wrong and the attendees were right. Nothing could make me happier!

Update 2: The Babylon Bee once again calls it right!

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