Adaptive Curmudgeon

Two New Blogroll Links

I almost never link to a YouTube channel. The main reason is that I prefer the medium of text to video. I read fast and don’t usually need imagery to keep my interest. Also, YouTube itself is run by duplicitous shitweasels and I don’t want that nest of biased deplatforming malfeasance to put down roots in my world. However, video’s a thing and two sites are so good they merit attention. If you want to wander into occupied territory, take a gander at these two… then run!

The first is CGP Grey who picks a topic and rockets through it with intelligent precision. He moves at warp speed while offering humor and thoughtful analysis. How he does all this in 3-5 minute videos is a miracle of pacing and what I can only assume is an immense amount of prior research. It’s entirely unlike the repetitive dumbed down bullshit that characterizes documentary TV. I highly recommend CGP Grey.

The second is The Emporium Outdoors. This could be one of those boring “camping gear review” sites but instead it’s delightful and relaxing. Michael, the Canadian outdoorsman host, plays second fiddle to his charming dog Esme as they wander about deploying whatever gear Michael chooses to present. Unlike CGP Grey that fires data like a machine gun, Michael stops to smell the flowers. Sometimes there’s no gear at all and they just go for a walk. Drone footage and long shots of campfires abound. When I was in the throes of cabin fever this winter, Michael’s purchase of an Argo was so fun to watch that I nearly went nuts and bought one for myself. I’m a guy that thinks twice before ordering a soda instead of a water at a restaurant and I was seriously pondering “the cool ATV that the cute dog likes”. That’s damn impressive showmanship! I highly recommend The Emporium Outdoors for when you don’t have time to go camping but really wish you did.

Want a taste? OK, here’s one where CGP Grey crams half a semester of United Kingdom history and geography into 5 minutes. Watch it twice and you know more UK stuff than anyone but English geographers:

Are ya’ exhausted by CGP Grey? OK take a break and watch Michael and Esme wander around Canadian forest. It’s about a thousand times slower and relaxing and… damn I want an ARGO!

Inspired by Canadian camping, I decided to link to CGP Grey’s discussion of the Canadian/American border… you know… the one that isn’t pissing off all the politicians.

Whew… that was fast. Time for a chill out video. How about Michael camping in the snow with the same cot I recently purchased but with a different tent. (He’s the one that inspired my purchase of the cot.)

Have fun y’all.

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