…I sometimes enjoy watching train wrecks. Start of the story:
Lets discuss a topic that people handle with grace and intelligence. For example, is blackface OK when…
Anyone who lives in 2018 knows folks are an inch from a freakout. Kelly’s method of testing the waters was to shove a honey badger up her ass to see if it would to bite.
Are you nuts lady? As punishment for your transgressions I order you to smell my armpit!
Then, of course, came the gnashing of teeth and rending of fabric. This [event] is an outrage and we demand [apology] because [snowflake].
Anyone who lives in 2018 knows apologies only work for Clintons (and possibly the UN?). All groveling, no matter how abject, is inadequate:
Of course, this is all carefully thought out individual opinion. Here’s a photo of CNN journalists working on that story:
All your base are belong to us.
There will be an employee evaluation process that goes like this:
So what’s the lesson here:
I guess it’s that there hasn’t been an outbreak of tolerance and kindness and interracial harmony? Or perhaps folks got no sense of humor? Or perhaps Mr. T, like Muhammad, cannot be emulated in costume?
I did however find one video that sums the whole thing up in 17 seconds:
Have a great day y’all. Everyone laugh and be merry. May we all find Halloween costumes that miraculously piss off not a single person and may we all have at least the sense to keep our head down if we make our living on TV.
Hat tip: Ace of Spades.