Adaptive Curmudgeon

Whoa Now

I’m out of contact with most everyone. I’m traveling alone, my phone isn’t hitting any antennas, and my laptop is barely catching a thread of sketchy intermittent wifi. Generally that would suck but today it’s a blessing. I humbly think forced detachment at least today makes me among the luckiest citizens in America.

The last part of this week has been an epic steaming heap of political shitstorms. I was hoping to make light of it with my Novocaine stories but events got dumber and dumber, faster and faster. Reason took a powder and DC is faceplanting quicker than I can write jokes. More distressingly, players with a dark heart gleefully cackle as many good people dance like marionettes. It’s terrible.

Buried amid the um… “debate” surrounding the Kavanaugh… um… “process” is a simple truth. One way or another, the sun will rise tomorrow. Breathe deep. Count to ten. All that stuff.

I had some more rambling associated with my earlier series of posts. I didn’t finish the text yet because I had things to do in real life. Dentistry, jobs, family, and so forth. So do we all. I might get back to it but who knows? Maybe I dodged a bullet getting out of the way? Judging from the vitriol emerging from my truck’s radio and in conversation with everyone I meet, both sides, left and right, have forgotten the mundane grounding moments that are real life. We all still live on earth. Life as we know it is still in effect.

I just looked at the sky… no meteor… us humans still have life to live and shit to do. Isn’t that grand?

OK, I’m glad I said that and if it sounds trite I’m sorry. I mean well and I’ll wrap up quickly. (I’ve only got a few minutes because I’m typing on the tailgate and it’s getting dark.) I’m going back off line for a while. Not because of anything Republicans or Democrats did, but for reasons that involve mountains and radio propagation. Or, as I’m lucky enough to feel deep in my bones, reality.

Be happy folks, we’re a reasonably peaceful, reasonably wealthy, reasonably free, reasonably self-actualized, very blessed nation. Smile. On all sides, take heart. We have survived war, famine, pestilence, disco, and the AMC Gremlin. We’re not entirely wimps. This too shall pass.

I gently entreat anyone who’s jacked into the matrix or freebasing network news to step back from the ledge. If you’re suffering, the solution is to stop. If God wanted to remind us all that we were acting like toddlers wouldn’t it look a lot like this? Perhaps we’ll benefit from a nice weekend; drink a beer, play catch with a dog, talk to your kids, buy your wife a flower, hell if it makes you happy run around naked and howl at the moon… but whatever you do never let politicians turn your mind into a gamepiece. Mellow out, and lighten up. There’s too much stupid in the air and I think we all need a fuckin’ nap.

Good luck y’all. This is just politics. Don’t let people who benefit from playing with your hearts and minds take it too far. Compared to bourbon and butterflies it don’t mean shit.

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