Adaptive Curmudgeon

Zuckerberg: A View From A Distance: Prologue

Folks with excellent hair have begun whining about how terrifying a world without Facebook might be. These people, who are pretty but dumb, are called journalists. Most of them are too clueless to know that Facebook is only 14 years old. They think it was created in Africa and taken to the rest of the world shortly after Australopithecines evolved into anatomically modern humans. As the first social media it was dispersed on flint-napped smartphones. This was right around the time humanity got its start… in 1968.

Facebook and Permanence: Facebook is a big deal right? It can never go away because it’s huge and important right? Hogwash.

Facebook is not permanent. It was founded February 5, 2004. I have underwear older than that!

Social media is not important. It doesn’t power electric grids, ship grain, build roads, irrigate fields, or occupy much of the real world at all. It’s just a flashy attraction that currently amuses the smart monkeys who roam the planet with iPhones and free time.

There’s no there there. No bulldozers or factories. No shipping fleets. No large real estate holdings. It hardly matters in the real world at all. It can be gone in a flash; replaced by the next shiny toy. Remember MySpace? It was the largest social networking site in the world… until Facebook kicked it’s ass. Something will eventually overtake Facebook. The deathblow could be something as minor as the taint of becoming “uncool”!

I’m not saying Facebook is doomed today. I’m saying it’s doomed eventually… and since it only exists due to virtual signaling fashion… it’s probably doomed sooner rather than later.

Facebook can vaporize faster than a boy band or a politician’s spine. When it’s gone, it won’t be missed.

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