Adaptive Curmudgeon

Zuckerberg: A View From A Distance: With Value Added Poem

Whenever someone in the media talks about Facebook like it’s important I laugh. I don’t know what’s funnier, that media drones say such things or that they actually believe it. There is nothing under heaven that’s “too big to fail” and Facebook is a fart in a hurricane compared to most endeavors.

So take heart. This isn’t a big deal. Everyone already knew Facebook was a snitch factory; so this moment was preordained. Facebook’s popularity will come and go with a long term impact similar to other silly fads. Disco, zoot suits, the XFL, and Zima come to mind. Remember whenever you start to overthink social media, people once made a sport of stuffing themselves in phone booths. More recently they evolved from dropping ice buckets on their head to eating Tide pods and snorting condoms.

See the forest for the trees and laugh at social media. That’s the joke I want to share with the world. Therefore I present a Curmudgeonly Poem:

Shit That’s Gone, a Poem by Adaptive Curmudgeon

Blockbuster, Studebaker, Standard Fucking Oil.

Sears, Broadcast News, On the Farms we Toil.

Detroit’s Toast, Atari’s Gone, Gros Michel Banana,

Roman Empire, Russian Commie, An End To Rule Britannia!

Votes matter. Who knew? The boss now has a pair!

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Pervy sneaks left the bushes; where creeps like that belong

So Facebook’s doomed, its goose is cooked, and soon it will be gone.

Copyright 2018 all rights reserved by A.C. and his dog.

Thanks for listening, you’ve been a wonderful audience. I’ve got t-shirts for sale in the lobby and a tipjar on the sidebar. I’m also open for bookings at weddings and parties where I play lead bagpipe in the heavy metal band “OPSEC Dog and the Deplorables”.

Have a great night. Drive safe. Peace out!

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