Adaptive Curmudgeon

TacticalPay Radio: Part 1: They Exist!

Several weeks ago I was contacted by TacticalPay Radio. They asked very nicely; “Would I be willing to review their podcast?”

Of course I ignored it. I’m prickly like that.

In my defense, the message arrived while I was on the road so I didn’t even see it for several days. It was one of my many moments of being “the only blogger who’s off line”. (A blogger who’s off the ‘net about a quarter of the time. How does that even make sense?) Meanwhile my spam filters, which are perpetually set on “vaporize anything that moves”, shuffled the polite request to the fourth circle of my computer’s ample e-mail purgatory. Some weeks after the initial request I unearthed it and finally replied. “Are you serious or just trying to sell me aluminum siding?”

It’s a credit to their patience that they replied. “No, really. Please review our podcast. Can you do it by deadline X please?” I pondered the deadline, looked outside, and decided I’d rather hunt squirrels. “Nope. Screw your deadline. I have important things to do.” Am I not a marketing genius?

Yet they persisted and I grudgingly accepted that they were not a Nigerian prince and maybe, just maybe I ought to listen to their damn podcast. It wasn’t bad. I listened to a few more. Still not bad.

“OK fine, I’ll do it” I responded (after even more delay). Since it takes me two hundred words just to clear my throat I might make a few posts. (You want short concise posts? Try Twitter; you’ll get all the depth that 140 character slogans can manage. This blog is and always will be verbose. Which is to be expected from the kind of guy who uses words like “verbose”.)

TacticalPay Radio did indeed toss a haypenny in my Donate account. Which of course makes them awesome! (You’re all encouraged to be awesome too.)

Thus, this is funded content which I’m cleverly slipping in to my usual squirrels and homesteading. Also I think I’ll take a long delicious sip of Coke and post a photo of my new Dell Computer on the hood of my new Chevy SUV parked in front of my McMansion. (Ugh! I can’t even fake product placement. Oh well, you get the joke.) If you wish to assume I’m slobberlingly biased like a combination of the mainstream press and a heroin addict that’s OK but I’m not. I told the guy who asked for the review, “If you suck I’m gonna’ tear you a new one. You know that right?” They didn’t seem worried. Anyone who’ll solicit a review from me gets a shout out for having immense confidence in their product.

More to come…

In the meantime I encourage you to go here:

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