Adaptive Curmudgeon

A Modest Proposal: Part 3

Via Bayou Renaissance Man I found a quote from Dustbury that goes well with my “Modest Proposal”:

“Proposed fix, preferably as the 28th Amendment: “Congress shall make no law which exceeds in length the original Constitution.” Four thousand five hundred forty-three words.”

Well said.

Also, I’ve never been comfortable when we passed the “it’s too big for paper” threshold some years ago. How do we really know a certain source of rule/law/regulation is the correct source? How do we know it hasn’t changed, not even one comma, while sitting in a cloud drive somewhere? Can you prove it? Can anyone prove it?

I can go to DC and read the Constitution. I can even fly to Europe and read the Magna Carta. I cannot read Obamacare from a paper source.

I like the “physical checksum” of information printed on paper and physically stored in a million locations. Like maybe every county library in the States and any University or Citizen that wants a copy. I’ve already seen web information and Google searches go down the memory hole. How do we know “The Kumquat Appreciation, Solar Panels for Homeless Rabbits, and Land Based Transportation Overhaul Act of 2018”, all 50 gazillion pages of it, is precisely archived word for word for the long run? At some point we’re just agreeing to whatever the electronic text server du jour shovels our way.

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