Adaptive Curmudgeon


I appreciate this level of determination. You go dude!

Please note, on the original post there were a few snarky comments about how he shoulda’ used a shotgun or hunted better or whatever. I’m not going there.

Can’t we all agree that society would benefit… that we’d be a mite less steeped in bullshit… if the average American male occasionally got off his expanding ass and chased down a pheasant and tackled it like a caveman? Also, I suck at bird hunting so what do I know?

When I feel like a bird dinner, I tromp all over hell with a double barreled shotgun and miss nearly everything that flies. More often than not I come home empty handed. (Which doesn’t bother me one bit. Those hunts have a different purpose.)

I also think it perfectly groovy that some dude with more patience than me set out to bowhunt pheasants. I also think it absolutely OK that he was willing to whack the shit out of an expensive hunting bow to net an 8 ounce meal.

I would never presume to tell another man how to hunt.

Hat tip to The Vulgar Curmudgeon. (Incidentally the filesize is huge, if this thing is more than an animated gif and it’s eating my hard drive or something, someone please tell me.)

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