Adaptive Curmudgeon

The Curmudgeon Gets The Gift of the Magi: Part 0

Physicists and science fiction writers (with considerable overlap) talk about a multiverse. This is the endearing idea that every possible situation exists in one dimension or another. On Christmas morning I caught a glimpse of a very close but distinct universe. It was the universe where we had to evacuate the house at 3 AM, on Christmas morning, when it was -20°. Contrary to what you might think, it was a pretty good universe; to experience such a universe is something I’d consider a privilege and an honor. It would’ve been one of those situations where the events of late 2017 would be fondly remembered for years to come. On the other hand, the cost of earning those charming memories would include standing in the snow while freezing my balls off in the blistering cold. Only people who’ve experienced -20 can describe what -20 is like. Suffice to say, it’s not a good climate for messing around with vision quests.

Given the opportunity to experience a morning of suck followed by an epic story, I deferred and changed the course of fate. However, I came close to getting the Gift of the Magi; good and hard.

Merry Christmas indeed.

Stay tuned…

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