Adaptive Curmudgeon

Creepy-Cute Robots

IMAO summed it up when they linked this with “Can’t Decide Whether to Hug It and Squeeze It and Call It George, or Kill It With Fire“.

As for me, every time I see one of these things I immediately want one that can handle a canoe portage. Maybe it can hunt landmines, save people from rockslides, and cure cancer but I don’t care. I want something I can hurl into the mud from my canoe that will pick up said canoe (loaded) and walk it from lake to lake. (Or maybe carry a 50# backpack for “robot assisted backpacking”?) That way I’ll be playing in the wilderness until I’m 100 years old (or dead).

Also there’s definitely overlap in the cute little machine verses skeletal dog/spider of death categories. The uncanny valley is really a thing.

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