Well are ya? Unless you are, the war effort may flounder… pussy!
Imagine the good old days (in this case 1918) when the government encouraged kids to protect the food supply and use buckets of poison. Now adults are warned that everything from sawdust to laughter is a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer. The children and lobotomized and covered in bubble wrap until they’re old enough to take out student loans in puppetry and dabble in community organizing.
Check it out:
Remember children, be careful when using buckets of poison.
California’s children in 1918; “Get out there and kill!”
California’s children in 2017; “Todo el mundo tiene una A.“*
The whole story is rather fascinating; though it fails to mention the force multiplying effect of Abba. (Possibly because future president and then U.S. Food Administration mega-wonk Herbert Hoover failed to anticipate the tragic rise disco balls and Swedish vocalists fifty years later.)
History is awesome! I encourage you to read it all at PJ Media.
* “Everyone gets an A.” (Unless I screwed up a tense or something.)