Adaptive Curmudgeon

Coffee Moment: Details

Kyle asked about our off grid (non-electric) coffee grinder. Here it is (image linked to Amazon):

Hand operated coffee grinder. When the grid goes down you’ll be able to rent this out!

I highly recommend it. You can unscrew the glass bowl and use it to store your freshly ground coffee. Brilliant. Plus it works well. I have the suspicion that many hand grinders are more for show than for use.

Also, it’s on sale right now!

On. Sale. Now!

I don’t know why. It just is. No need to thank me. I’m here to help.


P.S. I couldn’t find a link to the very relevant “coffee grinder stampede” from the movie City Slickers but those of you who watched it know what I’m talking about. Poor coffee grinder choices ruined Billy Crystal’s day. There are pros and cons screwing up Billy Crystal’s day but the grinder I recommend is better because it won’t cause a stampede.

My coffee grinder is battery operated and will therefore cause a shitload of chaos.

I couldn’t help including this clip that’s pointless and off topic.


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