Adaptive Curmudgeon

ASS A Mental Health Issue For Deep Thinkers

A hearty hat tip to The Silicon Greybeard for this post. For those of you who don’t read Greybeard (you fools!) his is a blog that gazes deeply into the errata of such things as upgrading the Z axis stepper motor of his CNC or how the upper left hole in the bespoke fabricated housing for the apparatus is 0.002″ off center; often followed by an examination of the ramifications of this situation.

I love that sort of shit. In a world where people “just sorta’ feel like it ought to be this way” I can’t get enough of someone building stuff. Keep it up Greybeard; the world needs ya!

“Now it’s time to come forward about my little problem.  Everyone knows there are “fad diseases” that get lots of attention and become big celebrity fund raisers.  Anything that has a ribbon associated with it, from breast cancer to autism. I don’t have one of those.  Everyone has heard of Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD.  I don’t have that; I have its opposite, Attention Surplus Syndrome, ASS.

ASS is not as widespread as ADD, and there are no drug treatments for it.  ASS is characterized by paying extreme amounts of attention to things.  ASS sufferers tend to be involved in extremely intricate tasks that, simply stated, require the amount of attention only those with attention surplus can provide.”

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