Adaptive Curmudgeon

Propaganda Sucks Even When You Know It’s Propaganda: Final Post

[This post was typed a few days ago. I didn’t get time to finish it. Done or not I’d all along pre-planned a “media vacation” and time was up. Rather than submit to further media asshattery I set this half assed draft on auto-post, unplugged my brain from the internet, and went camping. I’m off grid right now. For all I know we could all be dead by the time this goes live. (The 2016 election lends itself to such optimist thoughts.) If something immense has happened in the meantime (Chuthlu rising? Sweet meteor of death?) it’s not reflected here.]

It started when I drove 400 miles and saw only three Hillary yard signs amid perhaps a couple hundred Trump signs. I obsessed over the difference between what I see and what the press reports. (Links here, here, here, and here.) I was also attacked by a Gremlin and the Cubs won. The. Cubs. Won. WTF!?! I’m happy they won but it feels weird to say it aloud.

I just did another trip. About 550 miles. It’s my last survey & done just days before the vote:

This is it, the last post for a while. I’m going off grid while American squats and excretes its choice.

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