Adaptive Curmudgeon

A Query For Those With Blogger-fu

I avoid paying attention to hit counts but I’m only human. When I get a lot of hits I think “I’m glad I wrote that”. When I get relatively few I think “I ought shut my yap and go shovel snow”. Today’s count is… neither.

WordPress, my benevolent overlord, provides hit counts. Statistic one is how many individuals (or robots?) access the site. Statistic two is how many pages are viewed. Usually there’s a reasonable ratio between the two. Today the number of page views per individual (or robot?!?) is higher than usual. Either I’ve gained a handful of new readers who’ve got endless spare time and a cultlike interest or I’m being “scanned”. Scanned by what?

Could someone in the know tell me what’s going on? Just a comment would do: “NSA is building a case to ship you to Guantanamo”, “the duck has evolved into digital form and is messing with you”, “that happens to real blogs every day and you’re a total noob because you haven’t noticed”, etc…



P.S. Due to computer issues I’m still dinking around with the gutless netbook I resurrected a few posts back. It works but there are drawbacks. The tiny keyboard and screen discourages writing like a rusted Ford Fiesta discourages a two week road trip.

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