Some folks asked for more details about my stove (named Betsy) in hopes of delving deeper with their Google Fu. Here goes:
The manufacturer is Jungers Stove and Range Co. of Grafton Wisconsin.
Model is CC-8-39.
I didn’t get far in the few minutes I had to check it out. Smarter folk than me probably can suss it out in seconds.
Mostly I’d like to know when it was made and if I can buy parts or accessories for it. That said it’s complete enough that it functions fine for my needs. I’m just investigating out of curiosity. I think the oven thermometer is toast and I’d replace that if it were possible (and cheap). I don’t need an oven thermometer on the door but it appeals to my psyche to fix that which can be fixed. The oven door spring is a bit weak too. I think I can fix that with a generic spring from a hardware store. I’m in no hurry to worry about such a minor detail. Also if it came with a water heater, it’s long gone; which is acceptable because a water heater in a garage is just a thing that’ll either leak or freeze.
Good luck. Tell me what ya’ find.