Two of my many (endless?) pet peeves are that
- People are wimps… especially if it’s a younger person. Old wimps suck but young wimps really terrify me. If you’re a wimp as a kid you’re going to be a helpless Milquetoast at adulthood and the world doesn’t need any more of them!
- On a road trip my family, presumably unintentionally, treats me like a chauffeur.
Let’s talk about the latter. Suppose you’re on a family outing. If you have luck like mine that’ll mean the transmission on your vehicle will implode on an empty road, at 2:00 am, in a blizzard, sixty miles west of nowhere. No biggie, if you’re like me you’ll manfully brave the elements, crawling around in the snow, fighting off deadly ice alligators, fix it with a piece of chewing gum, find your way back to civilization/the highway, and so on. In the meantime everyone else sits in the heated cab reading a paperback and looking bored.
A chauffeur gets a salary and a cool hat. I get squat. Fuck that!
So, as a road trip loomed I set out to kill two birds with one stone. A kid would be riding with me and I devised a plan to keep the kid involved (or at least awake) and maybe teach him something too.
Yeah, I’m a hero.
Stay tuned for how it turns out.