I’m all about cheap simple solutions. Behold the Faraday cage!
What you’re looking at is a sleeve made of duct tape and tinfoil. The silver and gold is actually duct tape. The tinfoil is inside. (I should invest in less gaudy tape.)
It’s easy to make a Faraday cage cell phone case. In fact, I was so lazy I didn’t even do it myself. I gave a teenager some tinfoil and duct tape and told them to get creative. If a teenager can do it so can you.
While my phone is in a Faraday cage it’s locked down tight. Anyone who wants to spy on me has to do me the honor of personally lurking in the bushes and peering through drapes like the little perverts they are. I’m old school like that.
The phone pops back “in sight” when I take it out of the cage to make a call. For the duration of the call it creepily records my location, to whom I’m calling, for how long, and probably my preference in breakfast cereal. No biggie. It’s just a few minutes. When I’m done, the phone goes back in the gimp box. How easy is that?
So there you have it. Your phone can have it’s very own tinfoil hat. Just because herds of cheesedick bureaucrats insists on poking into your life you don’t have to make it easy on them. Stop ’em at the threshold with physics.
You’re too good for duct tape? For $58 this object has the same functionality as my creation without appearing quite so nutty.
Incidentally there are commercially made Faraday cage cell phone cases. My ugly little sleeve cost basically nothing. If you wish, you can drop $58 on a Black Hole Faraday Bag
My only complaint is that a tinfoil brick the size of a smartphone looks somewhat like a packet of drugs. I didn’t see that coming. I find it pretty ironic. I decided I’d avoid leaving it on the truck dash but I’m not too worried about it, I just think it’s funny.
* If you buy a Black Hole Faraday Bag from any of the links on this post Amazon gives me a cut. I’m not saying you have to buy it. I’m not saying I bought one. I’m not saying that it’s functionally better than a wad of tinfoil. I’m just saying if you want to buy one please use a link from this post. Please please please. It won’t cost you a penny and I’ll feel super smug all week.
**If you drop $58 in my tip jar I’ll happily ship you a bespoke, locally made, totally authentic redneck approved, special paranoiac model, duct tape/tinfoil Faraday cage cell phone case. Shipping and handling included because I’m nice like that. You could be the coolest kid on the block!