Adaptive Curmudgeon

Klaatu Barada Nikto

In case you weren’t aware of this indisputable fact, Evil Dead III / Army Of Darkness (1992) is one of the best movies ever made. Oh sure, you were thinking of something else, possibly something with a plot that doesn’t involve running over skeletons with an old Dodge. You’re wrong. It’s Bruce Campbell’s comedy all the way. Now you know.

At any rate I’ve always loved this scene from Army Of Darkness. Our hero overcomes all sorts of obstacles to retrieve a cursed magic book of doom.  When he gets there he’s supposed to recite magic words before touching the book, lest all hell break loose… literally. In any standard Tolkein / D&D / Fantasy plot it’s no big deal. Practically an afterthought. Not so when Bruce Campbell goes all slapstick. He messes it up. Brilliant!

Just this afternoon I was watching “The Day That The Earth Stood Still” (1951). Our heroine must say the special alien language command to disable the earth smashingly powerful robot named Gort. What does she say? You guessed it!

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