Adaptive Curmudgeon

My Bread Machine Is Dead, Long Live My Bread Machine

As I mentioned before; righteous and awesome bread mix engaged my bread machine in combat and defeated it.  Well played!

My bread machine is dead, long live my bread machine.

My bread machine is dead, long live my bread machine.

Despite the fact that my late lamented bread machine has gone to appliance heaven I decided to get a replacement. There’s a logic to this. I consider bread machines essential homestead equipment. Survivalists/homesteaders/Curmudgeons tend to wax poetic about sexy equipment equipment like guns and 4x4s. I think that’s unwise. Yes, a 4×4 is handy and shooting things is good for the soul (and fills the freezer with deer) but it’s the little things that matter most.

You gotta’ enjoy the little things.

If I’m going to go Galt, while off grid, during the zombie apocalypse I intend to do it in style. That means I place a high priority on the supply line for a daily hearty breakfast of coffee (more on that later), eggs (from my hens, which have been trained in anti-zombie drills), and toast. Hear that zombie apocalypse? You don’t get top billing! Frankly, a little jam and toast goes a long way to separating us from cavemen. (Doubt me? Go ahead and eat MRE’s for a month and see how much you crave actual food.)

I bravely ventured into enemy territory (a Goodwill store, boy did that suck!) and parted with six bucks to get myself a “new” (used!) bread machine. I plan on buying a second (or third) but the other two in the store looked like shit. I’m in no hurry, I’ll find another cheap one soon enough. (One has a spare tire for their truck, why not a spare bread machine?)

So there you have it. While other blogs are debating night vision scopes and claymore mines, I’m baking bread. Don’t blame me,  I call ’em like I see ’em.


P.S. The bread machine saga is linked below:

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