Adaptive Curmudgeon

Corruption Niche: III

Editorial note: This post was written before recent “unexpected” scandals about NSA surveilance of American’s phones and internet. I decided to post the text as it was writtten.

You’ll note that I listed cell phones as “a miraculously unexploited corruption niche” and was “puzzled” why it hadn’t been exploited. Apparently the deed was already done. Puzzlement solved!

You’ll also note that I listed internet privacy as a “mixed bag” instead of “your actions are being monitored by the NSA right now”. Silly me!

All this broke thanks to an active press.  Not our press of course. Since the 2008 election cycle the mainstream press has been nothing but Democratic fluffers.  Thank goodness the British press filled the role our domestic press abdicated. Eventually America’s mainstream news will stop being presidential cheerleaders or finish going broke. Since they dropped the ball (and buried it) I’m hoping the latter will go down quickly and open up opportunities for actual journalism again.  I miss reading newspapers!

Earlier I mentioned my theory that when a situation is ripe for corruption, someone will step into that role. Today I though I’d list a few random corruption niches. They’re in no particular order and not related to any particular axe I’m grinding. They’re just part of a game I play called “how long before someone does predictable evil and everyone acts shocked”.

Misused niches:

Miraculously unexploited niches:

Mixed bags:

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