Adaptive Curmudgeon

Obamaphone III

There’s no particular reason why I chose this week to ridicule the Obamaphone (or rant over 4% of Americans getting “free” phones!).  Apparently I hit upon a timely topic. Who knew I’d write about anything popular during the crucial “mainstream media limitation period” (patent pending) of the election campaign? (Note: the surgeon General says bullshit is bad for you. Just say no to “journalists” who speak directly from their butt!)

The People’s Cube have described the Obamaphone in exquisite detail. You should click there right now…don’t even read the rest of my post.

You’re reading the rest of the post aren’t you? Nobody follows directions! Ok, here’s a taste to encourage to head for the original article.

Totally true facts about the Obamaphone:

H.T. to Irons in the Fire.

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