Adaptive Curmudgeon

I Have Witnessed A Chevy Volt… On Earth!

I had come to believe that the Chevy Volt were like unicorns.  Everyone can describe them (and some people weep at their beauty) but they don’t exist.  (Maybe they’re vampires?  They control the minds of the weak, suck the blood out of their victims, and are nearly impossible to kill?)

Yesterday I saw one.  I saw an actual real life Chevy Volt being driven on an actual road by (presumably) a human being.  I didn’t expect much but an electric car (of any kind) is kinda’ cool so I expected a little “wow factor”.

Instead it was just a shabby generic shitbox limping along the right turn lane.  It was quiet I guess.  It looked like the “V” part of the “Volt” placard had peeled back.  Other than that it was utterly unremarkable.

I guess I expect a $40,000 car to be at least as interesting as a Volvo.  This was more like something you’d drive if you couldn’t afford a Civic.  Oh well.

Also the guy driving it looked royally pissed off.  I can’t say why.  It’s not necessarily the car’s fault.  (Maybe someone dumped a piranha in his lap?)

At any rate let it be known that in the fall of the year 2012 I saw a living example of the shovel ready green technology of 2008.  There, I said it.  Having honestly admitted that they do exist on actual public roads I’m going to go back to hatin’ them.

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