Adaptive Curmudgeon

Happy Independence Day

Don’t let the whiners and their creeping weakness get to you.  Our nation is just as awesome as ever.

I have no idea of the ultimate source of this image. I like to think Uncle Sam ventured to hell and carved it on the skull of Stalin’s soul; before coming back for a frosty brew and a fireworks display. I simply linked to where I found it.

From WWII. In keeping with our capitalist nation, this poster is for sale. In keeping with tradition, I don’t get squat if you buy it. Linked to seller.

Of course, my all time favorite, Rosie the Riveter. You tell ’em Rosie!

Make noise and celebrate, for today we commemorate a most improbable event.  A bunch of rednecks bumpkins told the most powerful Monarch in Europe to get off the damn lawn.  Once they survived that little roll of the dice they created the freest nation on earth.

While you’re pondering that, go read the Declaration Of Independence (it’s short, it won’t kill you).  Feel the tone of it.  The folks who wrote it were not interested in consensus, appeasement, or avoiding conflict.

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