Adaptive Curmudgeon

Top 100 Cult Films: Part II

This post will list movies which should have been on the list of 100 cult movies had the list been written exactly I’d have written it.  Which is to say, perfectly.

Note that “cult” means something transcending the ordinary and also not wildly popular in an of itself.  That doesn’t mean that the movie must be great, important, relevant, life altering, or get you laid when you watch it with your girl.  It’s not a cut and dried definition.

In no particular order I present my abridged list of movies which you must see before you’re allowed to die:

Idiocracy (2006). Because we’re living in it. This is not a good movie. It is a stupid/fun movie. However we live in a stupid world so the movie gets at something with a lazer like focus.  You will wish you could forget this silly movie and you will fail.  Events will remind you of it every week.  The studio tried to kill this movie and they failed.  Because it’s true and we’re doomed.

We're already in it.

Blue Velvet (1986). Because Dennis Hopper’s unhinged “bad guy” character scared the living shit outta’ me.  While you’re at it, remove Lynch’s appallingly bad Eraserhead from any list of anything ever.

David Lynch knows how to brew up a seriously disturbing experience.

Lawrence Of Arabia (1962). Marvelous. I watched this on a small screen and robbed myself of it’s majesty. For that misjudgment, I should be shot.

Watch it big.

The Third Man (1949). It turns out that Orsen Welles was a hellish good actor and not just a fat washed up loser. Who knew? A movie with a superb villain not because he was outscale like a Bond caricature but because he was totally believable. World class.

Yeah, go down that tunnel. I dare ya!

Tremors (1990).  The only reason to watch this movie is for Michael Gross undergoing a weird transformation from loser beta male from Family Ties to the hapless Bert Gummer.  Apparently Michael Gross can act.  Who knew?   The movie is neither deep nor intelligent.  Tough shit Einstein.  Watch it anyway.

You broke into the wrong damn rec room didn't ya, you bastard!

Easy Rider (1969).  A good movie in it’s own right.  Sadly hampered by the miasma of bullshit that lingers over the Boomer’s (and our society’s) misty eyed sympathy for “the 1960’s”.

A road trip with a happy ending.

Gran Torino (2008).  A masterpiece.  Clint Eastwood was trying to say something far to complex for clueless media twerps to favor but he got the point across with a sledge.  Not a “cult movie” but I put it on my list because I felt like it.

Stay off the lawn.

Falling Down (1993).  Just as cheerful as Gran Torino but 15 years earlier.  Also not a cult movie but it should be.

This is why I no longer live in California.

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