Adaptive Curmudgeon

Free Wood!

The moon and stars aligned to give me the time and opportunity to acquire more free firewood.  I’m delighted!

Aside from beer and bacon, there isn’t much that’s better than free wood.  This has been a good year for acquiring free wood.  All the firewood I have is free (except the stuff I bought)*.

I thought the season for squirreling nuts away had passed.  By now it’s usually the season for sitting around the fire looking at the dwindling food supply and wondering if we’ll live until spring.  (Hunting panned out well this year so no complaints there either.) This is usually followed by the season of being driven stark raving mad by cabin fever.  (If left untreated, cabin fever can result in maladies like ice fishing and bar stool sledding.)  But lo and behold the weather held and I hauled a few more loads in.  Huzzah!

By the way, this is not a high tech operation.  The process consists of me, my saw, my truck, my splitter (all hail the wood splitter for it delivereth us from misery), and the most important firewood gathering technology of all Ibuprofen.

Self-reliance; thy name is wood stove.  Here’s a hint.  There is nobody at the Occupy Wall Street protests both willing and tough enough to stack wood.  So there is nobody at the Occupy Wall Street protests who understands jack shit.

I’ve decided to upgrade for next year.  I’m going to sacrifice my tractor on an altar** and implore the mechanical gods to grant me something that can handle rougher terrain.

If you don't want to see two of these battling in an arena you're not a man.

Also I’ve decided to explore art in the form of stacked fuel.

This is to 4' x 4' x 8' as Jimmi Hendrix is to a kid with a kazoo.

Now it’s time to sleep like the dead because I’ve worked like a dog. Which is ironic because my dog hasn’t worked a bit today. (Slacker!)


* Yeah it’s a tautology, deal with it.

** No I’m not.

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