Adaptive Curmudgeon

The Chevy Volt Is Still Shovel Ready: The Great Leap Forward

The Chevy Volt is the joke that keeps on giving.

Behold the Roberts electric car from 1896. It gets 40 miles to the charge. Exactly the mileage of the Volt.

I can’t top this.  Obama’s subsidized 2011 Green Technology can’t beat the range of a 114 year old design.  There are no jokes better than that.

Whoops, I almost forgot the money quote that still has me chuckling.

Prior to today’s electric v. gas skirmishes, there was another battle: electric v. gas v. steam. This contest was fought in the market place, and history shows gas gave electric and steam an even more thorough whooping than Coca-Cola gave Moxie.

Nyuk nyuk nyuk.


Ht to 115 year old electric car gets same mileage on charge as Chevy Volt and The Daily Caller.

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