Adaptive Curmudgeon

A Post In Which I Give The Other Side A Free Swing

Weer’d World linked to an amusing video at Straw Man, Counter Point.

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Its a satiric jab at limited government types (myself included!) implying that if you loathe the heavy hand of government you should vacation in Somalia.  Somalia, lacking a functioning government (or anything else) should be a libertarian’s paradise; or so the video suggests.  It’s a progressive jab at everything I hold dear and yet I laughed my ass off. Which leads me to this Curmudgeonly Gem of Insight:

A free man in a free country can always laugh at himself.

Weer’d Beard hammers home that Somalia is not libertarian but rather feudal.  I disagree; Somalia is not feudal…it is Mad Max.  If the shit ever hits the fan and soccer moms in Baltimore are reduced to knife fighting for turnips, Somalia will be saying “welcome to the neighborhood”.

Weer’d suggests that libertarians vacation in New Hampshire (“Live free or die!”) and socialists vacation in North Korea (“Starve and die!”).  Well put.

But I still like the video.  Why not?  We all know that bitching about Obamacare does not set us on a path to Somalia.  (If you think otherwise, stop reading the New Yorker and go outside to breathe some fresh air.)

I’ve linked to the video because… well… it’s funny.  Without humor we’re all just mall cops jacked up into TSA crotch grabbing mode.  Never let go of your sense of humor.  Freedom requires satire.  Its the pressure release that tilts the playing field against raging assholes who, if they have anything in common is a deadly serious attitude and the haunted look of permanent constipation.

So my blog, which is worth precisely what you paid for it, is adding a communist socialist progressive jab at notions I hold dear.  I can take a hit!  I’m adding it to other treasured videos such as slaying zombie grandma on Christmas, codgers detonating alligators, and the miraculous automatic flintlock.

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