Rebuilding an engine is a big project. It’s an art and it’s a science. Some parts are fun. Others are a pain in the ass. There are about a thousand details to remember. There is risk: It’s all too easy to wind up with an unidentified mystery piece lying on the workbench. And there is glory: It could run so well that every time you fire it up you’ll feel like a God.
Why do it? Because…it’s what men do!
In celebration of this manly endeavor, I present the work of my good friend Dr. Mingo. Beautiful isn’t it? It’s a recently finished 345 cubic inch V-8 that he bored out to a 350. It’s basically stock save the 600 CFM 4 barrel carb and a Comp 260 RV camshaft. It’s installed in his 1975 International Scout II.
All the scented candles in the world wont make Ralph Nader forget that he has not yet eliminated testosterone.
In a world where people habitually put their balls in a vice called car payments and drive Tupperware with wheels, Dr. Mingo has taken a better path! He shall be tooling down the highway in his freshly tuned Gaia killing anti-Gore mobile. Well done sir!